The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently approved updates to the missionary communication policy. Effective immediately, missionaries are authorized to communicate with their families each week on preparation day via text messages, online messaging, phone calls, and video chat in addition to letters and emails. Missionaries are encouraged to communicate with their families using the approved method that works best for them and their families.
The means of communication may vary depending on the circumstances, location, and schedule of the missionary and family. If a missionary’s parents live in different locations, the missionary may contact each parent separately. It is not expected that missionaries will call or video chat with their parents every week.
In addition to communicating weekly on preparation day, missionaries also are encouraged to communicate with their families on special occasions such as Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, their parents’ birthdays, and other holidays that are significant in the missionary’s home country or culture.
Missionaries should initiate all text message conversations, online messaging, phone calls, and video chats. If a family needs to contact the missionary directly, they should contact the mission president first.
When communicating with their families, missionaries should be wise in considering the duration of phone calls and video chats. In making these decisions, they should be considerate of their companions and keep in mind the purpose of their service.
Missionaries should choose cost-effective methods of communication so they can stay within their monthly budgets. They may use Wi-Fi at Church buildings and computers at public libraries, internet cafes, and other public facilities to initiate online messaging and video chats with their families.