The last little while has been more than a little exciting. Since I've emailed last, it has snowed twice. In March. But then it was 60, so it's fine.
This last week was spent in my apartment due to some certain worldwide problems...which has led to a lot of phone calls, board games, and pajama wearing. Fun fact! If you do all your missionary work over the phone, nobody knows you're wearing pajamas!
Besides being cooped up, not a whole lot has been going on. Most of our teaching pool is hiding because of the sickness and doesn't want to talk because of it. Apparently they think phone lessons are weird or something. I kind of agree with them. Haha.
It's been taking a lot of getting used to. One of my companions decided to prepare for being trapped we needed tons of Oreos, so that may or may not be what we have been living on.
Besides feeling gross from the mass Oreo intake we all feel fine. None of us feel sick, just stir crazy if nothing else. One of my companions sisters works in the medical field and sent us this ginormous GermX dispenser.