Just to let you know we finished at the urgent care and they gave Nathan Flomax to flush the stone. They saw the stone and it is not in the kidney anymore. It is in the ureter so it's starting its way on the way out. It is a stone that has points on it so it is really going to scratch as he is going to be getting rid of it. They gave him a prescription for Flomax and for Zofran for nausea and they also gave him a prescription for hydrocodone with Tylenol. They suspect that he is going to have more pain when the stone starts moving. He is on his way home and doing fine. He is cheerful. His companion was a bit nervous. He told his companion, "I've done this before and I can do it again, I'll be fine," so they were comforting each other. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call me. I have my phone with me all the time. Thank you for your help. He sends back your love. I gave him your message. You should have seen the smile that came on his face. He's going to go home and drink lots of fluids and flush this stone out. He is doing ok.
Sister Kevan (Mission nurse)
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