Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 7: Mom Email

The stone hasn't passed yet, at least not that I have seen. I haven't been in any pain all week though. When pain comes, it lasts for like a day and then goes away for a while.

The ward currently has 4 missionaries out and one with a call to Santiago Chile North!! One is in Zambia! I don't really know how many youth there are. The average sacrament meeting attendance is 253 though. 

Fun story time! Last night I had dinner at the Strasser's house. A little bit about them, they grew up in Meridian, Idaho and went to Boise State. They moved to Cumming, Georgia for 3 years and are now in Yelm Washington. Sound familiar??? Also, the Weezer concert me and dad went to a few years ago, the Strassers were there too! in the same seating section as us! How crazy is that! Also, the wife is a product tester so she has a bunch of weird products and sent us home with a bunch of poop emoji stuff. Also, the dad has a YouTube channel (joelnert) and holds the Guinness world record for most toothpicks stuck in a beard (3500). They also fed us fried rice with barbeque pork, instead of the typical Asian chicken and it was really tasty. Oh! Also, they had a butt massage machine in their garage. It was awesome. Anyways, I thought you and the family might think that was cool. 
Butt massage machine above. Poop emoji smile and poop emoji fidget spinner.

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