Monday, September 17, 2018

Week 9: 49,089

This week was awesome! Quite a lot ended up happening. The elders in the McKenna ward ended up getting kicked out of their apartment (some agreement ended and the apartments didn't want to renew it or something like that) and ended up moving in with us! This Thursday we helped them empty out their apartment and bring all their stuff to ours. Our little apartment is pretty crowded now and it's kinda rough with 4 of us and 1 bathroom, but we make it work. Luckily they are both really awesome people and it has been a blast so far.

The Prophet also came to Seattle this week and talked to us at the Mariner's stadium. It was really cool! Turns out that it was the biggest non-sporting event ever held there, and just barely behind some WWE event. There were 49,089 people there! How cool is that? It sure was different being in a crowded sporting venue and having everyone singing church hymns and being reverent. It was cool. The prophet, his wife, and Henry B. Eyring all spoke and it was super powerful. One point, in particular, that really stood out to me was their emphasis on blind faith. They talked about how when they council the church to do things, we should all turn to God and ask prayerfully about the council. The church is built upon personal relationships with our Heavenly Father and we should always remember that. He will confirm the Prophet's words and bless you for your willingness to obey Him and his servants. I thought that was a really interesting message coming from the church leaders themselves. It was cool how they focused on building our testimonies on the gospel rather than other people's testimonies. The gospel is true and will never falter, but people are human and are bound to slip up and make mistakes. If our testimony is on people instead of the gospel, when they mess up it could ruin our testimony, but if it is on the gospel itself, it will never falter.

ps. I got my transfer call this weekend. At least 6 more weeks in Yelm.
All of the missionaries were in the box office suite thingies with all the food and stuff. It was really cool. All the priests and laurels got to sit out in the field tho. That would have been really neat too. 
 They gave these hats to all of the missionaries after the event as a gift from Safeco field. It was awesome!

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