Monday, September 17, 2018

Week 9: Dad Email

Hey dad! How have you been??? Is work and everything still going well? I have a couple questions to ask ya: Are the new little guild decks coming out any good? I saw deathrite shaman was getting reprinted, which is kinda funny seeing how it is banned everywhere. Are any of them worth picking up?

How cheap do you think shocks will get??
How is the missionary deck coming?
Do you still have those like church hymn covers by that band you used to play forever ago? They were more rocky I think? The music standard is a lot less strict than the list we got in the mail and those would be awesome to have.

I heard last week was break too, did the family do anything?
Sorry that's a lot of questions haha. Hope everything is going well!

Love Nathan

Hey Nathan,

Sorry I didn't send an email earlier. I was traveling yesterday and lost track of the days. Things have been good here. The weather is starting to cool off. The Marks family from our old Vail ward was here this week and it was nice to visit with Seth. I'm sure you remember him. He helped with your Eagle Project.

I think the new guild decks look awesome. They are not Standard legal but are meant to play against each other. I think I'm going to pre-order one of each. I think they will be fun. I'm not sure of the price yet. I need to look.

I haven't worked on the missionary deck for awhile. I didn't realize you could use it so quickly. I'll pick up the pace. Sorry for the delay. I think shocks will drop to $5-7 each depending on the color.

Yes, I have those church cover songs still. I'll send them to you. Break is actually this week. I'm traveling so no real family plans. Other than that, all is well. I love your weekly updates.

Love always,

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