Monday, January 7, 2019

Week 25: 2019!

Happy new year! My new year was pretty much a normal day. We just went in an hour earlier. That was pretty nice. It let us go to bed really early, which I know is pretty lame because it's new years, but trust me, it was definitely worth it.

We were also able to teach a few really good lessons this week! There are a lot of people here who have been prepared for the gospel. Well, there are a lot of people in general compared to Yelm, but still. It's amazing. I love being able to touch so many different lives for the better each day and help so many people out. It's awesome.

We had interviews with our mission president this week as well! That was fun. This is the soonest in a transfer I have had interviews. He starts in the north and works his way south through the mission. I went from the very south to the very north of the mission. The interview went well. I didn't really talk about anything important with him, mainly just orca whales. The whole time. I don't know why. But hey, apparently sometimes they come all the way into the sound by Tacoma. That's kinda crazy right!??! It is a maze to get down there. I don't know how they figure it out. Probably on accident.

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