Monday, January 7, 2019

Week 25: Dad Email

I am serving well in the rain. It honestly isn't that bad. You get used to it. Plus, when you have an awesome bright green jacket, you don't have to worry about it. Just being cold. I think I'm gonna pick up a warmer vest or something to wear under it. 

I am doing the best I can! I haven't missed a 6 thing (things we have to do every day - 1) up on time 2) exercise 20 minutes 3) Out on time 4) talk to everyone 5) be on time to 5-7s 6) phone audit) in a looong time. My last companion told me I was his favorite companion! Which was awesome. We had a lot of fun together.

I'm doing my best to keep writing the group emails. There are a lot of missionaries who have given up on doing them, but I can't do that.

Dad: Here is a little something that was given to me when I served my mission. I thought you might enjoy it:

What God Hath Promised
Gad hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through.

God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorry, peace without pain.

God hath not promised we shall not know
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe.

He hath not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.

But God hath promised strength for the day, 
Rest for the laborer, light for the way
Grace for the trials, help from above, 
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises." 2 Peter 1:4

I found that as I served in my mission the various leaders I had would find simple ways to inspire me to rely on the Lord, foruc on the work and maintain a positive attitude. One of my leaders sent this to me in the mail one day along with some motivational messages. I loved how much we as missionaries always tried to help each other be better and stronger individuals.

Nathan: That's awesome! I had a similar experience as I was studying. Everyone talks about 1 Nephi 3:7 a lot, about the Lord providing strength. Never in there does it say it was easy. I mean, when Nephi was trying to get the plates he lost all his precious things and was almost killed several times but the Lord provided a way. He doesn't make things easy, he makes them possible. Which doesn't sound like it's supposed to be comforting but to me it does. I liked that a lot for some reason so I wrote it on a note on my wall in the closet my desk is in. Obedience is stressed pretty big time in our mission. It is super important here. It is hard for some people to understand that concept though.

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